Our Mission
At Pathfinders Robotics, our mission is to support student-led FIRST teams as best we can through the use of our student mentors, web resources, gracious sponsors, and 501(c)3 nonprofit capabilities.
Pathfinders Robotics’ purpose is to develop and educate the youth in grades five through twelve.
Communities Reached
Teams in Nonprofit
Funds Raised
We teach information pertaining to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Through guidance and feedback we assist in the development of teams to compete in FIRST Tech Challenge, First Lego League, or other STEM-related events in Iowa, Regional, National and International competitions.
Gracious professionalism is important to our organization as a whole as it personifies meaningful interactions that create lasting bonds in the STEM field.
We prioritize the spread of STEM, FIRST, and general robotics, usually directed at a younger audience. We embody gracious professionalism through our interactions with our competitors, financial partners, and professional associates.